Leading Valves and Fittings Manufacturer Supplier in India

HP Valves & Fittings is happy to inform that they have their Qualified Surface Treatment and Coating specialist from FROSIO.

This strengthens HP Valve’s Engineering capability and enhances customer satisfaction and brings delight and assurance to customer till the service of the Valves & Fittings. i.e. from Cradle to Grave.

We all know that Surface Treatment and Coating plays a major role in Protection of Valves, Fittings, Pipes and Tubes, Hook ups, Piping, Coded Items like Pressure Vessels and other structures including concrete though engineers choose the Corrosion resistant material grade while designing.

What is meant by Corrosion?

Corrosion is an electrochemical reaction between a Metal and its Surrounding Environment under the formation of corrosion products.

What is meant by Painting?

Painting is only for Decoration purpose and not for protection purpose.

What is meant by Coating?

Coating provides protection. Coating can be a painting.

Who are FROSIO?

FROSIO is a member organization established in 1986 by the industry to meet a growing demand of qualified and certified personnel on all levels within management, production and inspection of work within corrosion protection and surface treatment.

FROSIO has been accredited by Norsk Akkreditering according to ISO 17024 since 2003. FROSIO is the one and only organisation in the world which has accreditation from ISO as per ISO 17024.

FROSIO’s definition of an inspector is:

Anyone with responsibility to assure that work is performed according to the specification


For each project, an inspector's specific authority and role shall be defined, but generally, the role is to:


Assess (Inspect)/test – what, why, how?

Document/Verify – is it in accordance with specification?

Report – document facts!


The inspector shall report non-conformance from the specification and not make decisions on behalf of the owner, unless given written authority.

For each project, the authority of the inspector shall be defined in collaboration with his/her contractual partner. The frequency and extent of inspection and reporting shall be addressed.

Whom the inspector can represent



Supplier or sub-supplier

Third party

Our Inspector’s Profile is given below

Name : S.Moses Jebakumar

Experience : 19Years

Area of Experience : Pressure Vessel-Fabrication, Construction & Inspection, Piping, Instrumentation, Castings, Forgings, Pipes, Tubes, Flanges, Auditing, NDT & Welding, Codes & Standards, Interpretations from International Standards, Training, External Supplier development, Onshore and Offshore Inspection.

Core Competency : Surface Treatment and Coating Inspector – Level III - FROSIO ASNT NDE Level II RT, MT, PT, UT, VT & LT ASME U Designation – Quality Control Manager and Welding Engineer

Inspection and Expediting services:

HP Valves & Fittings proudly announces that they can depute their engineer Mr.S.Moses Jebakumar to end users project site onshore, offshore, construction sites, refineries, production plants, processing industries, manufacturing industries of Valves, Pumps, Pipes, Flanges, Tubes, Piping, Structural, Pressure vessels, Columns, Skid manufacturers to carry out inspection for Coating inspection, NDT & Welding as per international codes.

Customers and other professionals who need the services of FROSIO for coating, for NDT & Welding shall approach HP Valves & Fittings at [email protected].

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