Leading Valves and Fittings Manufacturer Supplier in India

HP Valves & Fittings had been verified by ASME Team Leader to the requirements of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for it’s Quality Control System and for the Pressure Vessel manufactured like condensate pots, Flash drums, Oxygen Concentrators, Sampling pots and other Pressure Vessels. ASME had awarded HP Valves with ASME U Designation approval certificate.

Our Double Ferrule Compression Fittings had been qualified based on the successful results of Type test conducted as per ASTM F1387 2019 and witnessed and certified by CEIL

Our Manifold Valves, Needle Valves, Ball Valves, Globe Valves, Check Valves had been qualified based on the successful results of Type test conducted as per MSS SP 99 2016a and witnessed and certified by CEIL

The Flow Analysis (CFD) are conducted for our Valves and Fittings through In-house Design Applications like ANSYS to meet the customer need

Our Valves & Fittings are type tested and qualified to the stringent restriction of Fugitive Emission requirements to the International standards like ISO 15848, MESC SPE 77/312

ARAI Certificate
1/4", to 1" Tube Fittings certified as per IS 15716_2006 for Automotive CNG Applications
1/4", to 1" Tube Fittings certified as per ECE R110 & ISO 15500 for Industrial CNG Applications

PED Re-Stamping Agreement :

ASME 'U' Designator Stamp - ASME Certificate

PED Re-Stamp

ASME Certificate :

ASME 'U' Designator Stamp - ASME Certificate

ASME 'U' Designator Stamp

National Board 'NB' Stamp - ASME Certificate

National Board 'NB' Stamp

EAC Certificate :

ASME 'U' Designator Stamp - ASME Certificate

Certificate for Fitting - DoC

National Board 'NB' Stamp - ASME Certificate

Certificate for Flanges -DoC

National Board 'NB' Stamp - ASME Certificate

Certificate for Relief Valves -CoC

National Board 'NB' Stamp - ASME Certificate

Certificate for Valves -DoC

Type Test Certificates:

ASTM F1387-19 - Type Test Certificates

ASTM F1387-19

MSS SP-99-2016a - (Pg-1) - Type Test Certificates

MSS SP-99-2016a - (Pg-1)

MSS SP-99-2016a - (Pg-2) - Type Test Certificates

MSS SP-99-2016a - (Pg-2)

Interchangeability Test Report 1 - Type Test Certificates

Test Report - (Pg-1)

Interchangeability Test Report 2 - Type Test Certificates

Test Report - (Pg-2)

Interchangeability Test Report 3 - Type Test Certificates

Test Report - (Pg-3)

CLW Qualification Type  test letter - Type Test Certificates

CLW Qualification Type test letter

Shock Test by CIPET 1 - Type Test Certificates

Shock Test by CIPET - (Pg-1)

Shock Test by CIPET 2 - Type Test Certificates

Shock Test by CIPET - (Pg-2)

ICF Type Test Certificate - Type Test Certificates

ICF Type Test Certificate

FCRI Certificate 1 - Type Test Certificates

FCRI Certificate - (Pg-1)

FCRI Certificate 2 - Type Test Certificates

FCRI Certificate - (Pg-2)

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